IntegrationDaq 220715
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 380 0887 Passcode: 903612 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864 Find your local number:
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Open Issues to be followed up later
- Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
- Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
- Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available
Recording at zoomgov: [1]
Participants: M. Gericke, B. Shaw, C. Zorn, R. Michaels, B. Moffit, W. Gu, P. King, C. Cuevas, B. Blaikie
- Status of the integrator board at JLab
- Setting up a simple case for the board. Waiting for the FPGA module to arrive. Once we have the FPGA and it is in the chassis, it would go to William and Bryan.
- Bryerton reminds us that we need to formalize the requested integrator modes. Bob, Micheal, and Paul will discuss.
- Michael reports that Jie has fully assembled five of the base+dual amps and is bench testing them
- The plan would be to keep one at Manitoba, and to send the others out to other groups
- There are plans to place combined orders between JLab and OU for both the VTPs and the TI modules. Details are still being worked out.