IntegrationDaq 210922
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:00pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 385 600 867 Bluejeans link:
- Touching back on prior topics
- What needs to be done to port CODA ROC to run on the SOM
- What needs to be done to allow ~20us delays on making the integration start from TI signal?
- Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Open Issues to be followed up later
- Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
Recording on [1]
Participants: P. King, B. Moffit, M. Goodrich, J. Fast, W. Gu, B. Blaikie, M. Gericke, J. Pan, D. Bishop
- Next step for CODA ROC: compile ROC for ARM64 & test TI connection
- Allowing ~20us delays on making integration start from TI: William says this will require a TI firmware change, but should be fairly straightforward
- Activity updates
- Michael: getting ready for the Mainz beam tests. Set-up is 11Oct with the beam time 14-18Oct
- The 16-channel boards are due to arrive next week
- Brynne: working on making housings to hold base and preamp together.
- Michael: getting ready for the Mainz beam tests. Set-up is 11Oct with the beam time 14-18Oct
- Discussion of my slides for the review
- HVMAPS may require a more powerful FPGA than the integrators, but it should still work with the TI-FMC
- Jim recommends to have a slide to define the acronyms used in the talk