IntegrationDaq 210813

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 BlueJeans calling instructions:
 Toll-Free Number (U.S.&  Canada):  888-240-2560
 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at
 Bluejeans CODE:                    641 252 323
 Bluejeans link:


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion
    • Should we keep the same meeting time through the Fall?

Open Issues to be followed up later

  1. Need two things by end of August (no hard deadline). Some of this is just cut/paste from existing docs.
    1. Design requirements document -- examples and template :
    2. ICD -- interface control document(s). -- apparently Robin Wines made a template and it's on sharepoint. It seems we need several of these (infrastructure to DAQ; detectors to DAQ, etc).
  2. Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
  3. Create a timing diagram showing the integration gates in the injector and hall, helicity transitions, etc.


Recording on [1]

Participants: W. Gu, B. Moffit, P. King, B. Blaikie, C. Cuevas, J. Pan, M. Gericke

  • Activity updates
    • Paul
      • I had not mode progress on making a timing diagram; I will try to have that for next meeting
      • I will also follow-up with Bob about the requirements and interface control documents. Michael asked if Bob needs any more information from them for those documents.
    • Jie
      • Recieved the new switching PMT base. This version has separated ground for event-mode and current-mode. They've done basic functionality tests, and hooked it up in the prototype preamp+ADC chain to start bench tests
      • Tested that the preamp is able to drive a twinax cable of over 100m length
      • Submitted the ADC design for production and assembly. In discussion with the company about production details. Ordered remaining components for 5 boards, and are sourcing different places for some back-order parts. Hopefully can get all components ready for PCB assembly this month.
    • Chris
      • Talked with Brad Cumbia and Brent Morris about the routing from the Injector Service Building to the Hall A Counting House. It's kind of a complicated run. Would need to coordinate with Facilities (or an outside company) to actually run the fibers. The length is ~300m. He'll work on getting a cost estimate for this; the comparison as the longest run like this is from the Hall D trigger rack to the tagger, about <100m, and he can reference those POs to get the estimate. We'd then need to figure out what account we can use to pay for this.
      • Bob, Chris, and I need to follow up about the CODA modules we want to use for the test stands
  • General discussion
    • Michael's schedule is fairly flexible this fall, so I think we'll plan to keep this time slot.