IntegrationDaq 210813
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:30pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 641 252 323 Bluejeans link:
- Activity updates
- General discussion
- Should we keep the same meeting time through the Fall?
Open Issues to be followed up later
- Need two things by end of August (no hard deadline). Some of this is just cut/paste from existing docs.
- Design requirements document -- examples and template :
- ICD -- interface control document(s). -- apparently Robin Wines made a template and it's on sharepoint. It seems we need several of these (infrastructure to DAQ; detectors to DAQ, etc).
- Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
- Create a timing diagram showing the integration gates in the injector and hall, helicity transitions, etc.
Recording on [1]
Participants: W. Gu, B. Moffit, P. King, B. Blaikie, C. Cuevas, J. Pan, M. Gericke
- Activity updates
- Paul
- I had not mode progress on making a timing diagram; I will try to have that for next meeting
- I will also follow-up with Bob about the requirements and interface control documents. Michael asked if Bob needs any more information from them for those documents.
- Jie
- Recieved the new switching PMT base. This version has separated ground for event-mode and current-mode. They've done basic functionality tests, and hooked it up in the prototype preamp+ADC chain to start bench tests
- Tested that the preamp is able to drive a twinax cable of over 100m length
- Submitted the ADC design for production and assembly. In discussion with the company about production details. Ordered remaining components for 5 boards, and are sourcing different places for some back-order parts. Hopefully can get all components ready for PCB assembly this month.
- Chris
- Talked with Brad Cumbia and Brent Morris about the routing from the Injector Service Building to the Hall A Counting House. It's kind of a complicated run. Would need to coordinate with Facilities (or an outside company) to actually run the fibers. The length is ~300m. He'll work on getting a cost estimate for this; the comparison as the longest run like this is from the Hall D trigger rack to the tagger, about <100m, and he can reference those POs to get the estimate. We'd then need to figure out what account we can use to pay for this.
- Bob, Chris, and I need to follow up about the CODA modules we want to use for the test stands
- Paul
- General discussion
- Michael's schedule is fairly flexible this fall, so I think we'll plan to keep this time slot.