IntegrationDaq 210212
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:30pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 641 252 323 Bluejeans link:
- Activity updates
- Stripline BPM signal levels (slide): Maybe best choice is an adaptation module to convert from single-ended to differential signal and match voltage accepted by ADC?
- Discussion of preliminary design review, tentatively planned for a half-day in mid March. We intend this to cover the integrating DAQ, counting DAQ, and the new BCM electronics. Integrating DAQ topics may include:
- Overall scheme of integrating DAQ
- Some details about the integrating ADCs?
- Interfaces to other subsystems
- Grounding scheme?
- Other topics?
- General discussion
Participants: R. Michaels, B. Moffit, M. Gericke, W. Gu, J. Pan, B. Blaikie, D. Bishop, C. Cuevas, B. Shaw
- Stripline BPM signal levels
- Daryl reports that it would be possible to design a modified integrating ADC module that would take single-ended inputs instead of differential inputs. This would require some changes in the front end filter, but he expects the overall changes are modest.
- With the single ended input, the full scale range would be about +/-4V. Then to get the 5V range we need for the striplines we could use attenuators on the input.
- What is the output impedance of the stripline sample and hold modules?
- Another idea would be the the front panel (and input filter) could be made as a separate board that would then connect to the main board.
- Bob, Michael, and I should have a follow up discussion about these options
- Presentation of summary table in Integrating Electronics document
- Daryl cautions that in order to achive the 1 MHz bandwidth with a 1 MOhm transimpedance, we'll need to be very careful with the design of the amplifier.
- We may want to use RG59 for the cable between pmt and amplifier, as it has lower capacitance than RG58
- Design review discussion
- We should detail all types of inputs that we might want to put into the integrating ADCS. What types of I/O are people expecting to have with the ADC?
- Bryan suggests having an external clock input, trigger input, and sync input
- Bob suggests having some diagnostic output
- We should detail all types of inputs that we might want to put into the integrating ADCS. What types of I/O are people expecting to have with the ADC?