Friday, August 24, 2018 10:00am ET

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  1. Overview of Spectrometer System Status pdf
    1. What has had considerable work
      1. Hybrid torus
      2. Vacuum can
      3. upstream water-cooled collimator
    2. Needs work
      1. other collimators (supports, fine adjustments)
      2. septant blockers (motion controls)
      3. upstream torus (supports, vacuum can)
    3. Simulations
      1. sensitivity study for upstream
      2. beam steering study
      3. drift region medium (vacuum+air vs. He)
      4. radiation doses/backgrounds
  2. Prioritization for engineering work
    1. Prototype testing
    2. Hall C – shortening the coil
    3. Helium port concept
  3. Next two meetings times/proposed agendas
    1. meeting time change to Thursday 11am ET?
    2. status of simulations
    3. prototype testing report


Attendance: Ruben, Probir, Sandesh, David, Juliette, Jason, Sakib, KK, Kent, Ernie

  1. Overview of Spectrometer System Status pdf
    1. Needs work (see pdf)
      1. JLAB - saftey interlocks, EPICs integration (MIT familiar with what's needed)
      2. prioritization has been on generic high flux R&D activities
    2. What has had considerable work (see pdf)
      1. primary acceptance defining collimator
        1. collimator #2 - W with Cu backing
      2. "cigar" collimator
        1. Cu cooling jacket, W inner layer
        2. high water velocities
        3. lots of connections
        4. detailed summary at future meeting
        5. Note: He would necessitate a smaller beampipe through hybrid
        6. this would mean necking down this collimator and increasing heat load
        7. may not be feasible
        8. motion controls for fine adjustment of beam "cigar" collimator
        9. fins see the target - needs 1-bounce photon studies
      3. vacuum can
        1. this presentation is summarizing the type of work that needs to be done
      4. hybrid torus
        1. keep-out zones defined by particle envelopes
        2. moller envelopes are "absolute"
        3. others could be trimmed by adding/modifying collimators if needed (not trivial)
        4. we should try to standardize the software used (ANSYS?)
        5. cooling system sketch took into account the Hall A infrastructure
        6. this might be a good thing for MIT to design
    3. Simulations - not discussed
  2. Prioritization for engineering work - not discussed
  3. Next two meetings times/proposed agendas
    1. regular meeting time change to bi-weekly on Thursday at 11am ET
    2. next meeting on Tuesday, September 4th at 2:30pm ET
    3. Proposed agendas
      1. Tuesday, September 4 - prototype testing report (Ernie, Sandesh)
        1. MIT testing results
        2. Everson Tesla testing results
        3. test plan
      2. Thursday, September 20 - collimator 1 preliminary design summary (Jason)
      3. Thursday, October 4 - status of simulations (Juliette, KK)

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