Friday, August 24, 2018 10:00am ET
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- Overview of Spectrometer System Status pdf
- What has had considerable work
- Hybrid torus
- Vacuum can
- upstream water-cooled collimator
- Needs work
- other collimators (supports, fine adjustments)
- septant blockers (motion controls)
- upstream torus (supports, vacuum can)
- Simulations
- sensitivity study for upstream
- beam steering study
- drift region medium (vacuum+air vs. He)
- radiation doses/backgrounds
- What has had considerable work
- Prioritization for engineering work
- Prototype testing
- Hall C – shortening the coil
- Helium port concept
- Next two meetings times/proposed agendas
- meeting time change to Thursday 11am ET?
- status of simulations
- prototype testing report
Attendance: Ruben, Probir, Sandesh, David, Juliette, Jason, Sakib, KK, Kent, Ernie
- Overview of Spectrometer System Status pdf
- Needs work (see pdf)
- JLAB - saftey interlocks, EPICs integration (MIT familiar with what's needed)
- prioritization has been on generic high flux R&D activities
- What has had considerable work (see pdf)
- primary acceptance defining collimator
- collimator #2 - W with Cu backing
- "cigar" collimator
- Cu cooling jacket, W inner layer
- high water velocities
- lots of connections
- detailed summary at future meeting
- Note: He would necessitate a smaller beampipe through hybrid
- this would mean necking down this collimator and increasing heat load
- may not be feasible
- motion controls for fine adjustment of beam "cigar" collimator
- fins see the target - needs 1-bounce photon studies
- vacuum can
- this presentation is summarizing the type of work that needs to be done
- hybrid torus
- keep-out zones defined by particle envelopes
- moller envelopes are "absolute"
- others could be trimmed by adding/modifying collimators if needed (not trivial)
- we should try to standardize the software used (ANSYS?)
- cooling system sketch took into account the Hall A infrastructure
- this might be a good thing for MIT to design
- primary acceptance defining collimator
- Simulations - not discussed
- Needs work (see pdf)
- Prioritization for engineering work - not discussed
- Next two meetings times/proposed agendas
- regular meeting time change to bi-weekly on Thursday at 11am ET
- next meeting on Tuesday, September 4th at 2:30pm ET
- Proposed agendas
- Tuesday, September 4 - prototype testing report (Ernie, Sandesh)
- MIT testing results
- Everson Tesla testing results
- test plan
- Thursday, September 20 - collimator 1 preliminary design summary (Jason)
- Thursday, October 4 - status of simulations (Juliette, KK)
- Tuesday, September 4 - prototype testing report (Ernie, Sandesh)
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