CountingDaq 231208
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- A little bit of progress on the digital beam monitor project.
- General discussion
- Meeting time next year; keep 1pm Fridays?
Recording on Zoom:
Participants: R. Michaels, P. King, S. Tarafdar, M. Gericke, B. Blaikie, R. Conaway, S. Chatterjee, C. Ghosh, H. Liu, D. McNulty, J. Shirk, B. Moffit, S. Regmi, J. Datta
- The three VTP modules ordered for MOLLER have arrived at JLab and will be tested next week. When Ben is finished with the tests he will give the VTPs to Bob. One will go to SBU, and so we have two others that we can decide where they are most needed.
- We would need to have them available to start setting up the W&M DAQ in March or April
- Ryan is coming down to the lab next week, and will bring a CPU and TI to Bob. These will eventually be picked up by Bill along with the VTP for Stonybrook
- Bob: digital readout of the beam monitors is moving forward. He has a system that c
- Chandan: the GEM test stand has taken some more detail to look at the difference cable lengths
- Chandan would like to have a VTP for use in the GEM test stand to try scintillator triggering with it
- Hanjie will be setting up a test stand for the Moller polarimeter and would want a VTP for that
- Bob had ordered several in August, but there may be one available for this in the earlier batch
- Dustin tested two new base+amp assemblies in the beam at Idaho.
- They exposed them to dose at a much lower rate than in the previous dose tests. But, the DC-DC converter seems to have stopped working in the vicinity of 20 krad, a similar level as when it stopped working after the rapid dose. They are still looking at the data, and need to discuss it with the detector group