CountingDaq 230901
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom: [1]
Participants: R. Conaway, P. King, R. Michaels, M. Gericke, B. Moffit, D. Armstrong, D. McNulty, D. Adhikari, R. Fair
- David asks about the rack layout of the GEM electronics racks. He wanted to make sure that there's enough space in them for the low voltage supplies for the GEMs
- David's and Nilanga's students did some noise tests with 70ft and 100ft HDMI cables and the UVa prototype GEM
- By skipping the first set of channels as was planned, the noise is very reasonable for 70ft, and although a bit bigger for 100ft would likely still be workable
- David asks how the pedestal suppression is set for the GEMs; Bryan thinks the parameter was determined in offline analysis and downloaded to the modules
- Dustin had changed the gain on one of his integration preamps to 1 MOhm, and the baseline had railed; Michael shows him on the CAD of the board where the adjustment pot. is located.
- Dustin is working on the linearity studies
- We still need to follow up the SBU folks on what they need
- Bob asks if we have a time-line of what we want set up at W&M. Not yet.
- Michael suggests we should do some integration-mode pedestal noise studies at W&M with the PMTs and everything working together.
- Dustin suggests we could also try some nonlinearity checks at W&M
- Otherwise need counting DAQ system to support two thin-quartz segments plus another few channels for shower max and trigger paddles