CountingDaq 220930
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 380 0887 Passcode: 903612 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864 Find your local number:
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom: [1]
Participants: R. Michaels, B. Moffit, M. Gericke, P. King, D. McNulty, C. Zorn, D. Armstrong
- David
- Evaristo et al. have re-done tests with longer HDMI cables, and David thinks that we can plan on 25m-long HDMI cables.
- Continuing to look at the low energy photon flux at the GEMs. The flux is small; he estimates that the non-Moller, non-ep event rate should at most be about the same as the Moller rates. So the occupancy is likely 2-3 times the Moller-only occupancy
- Bob: he had posted the electronics specifications for the DAQ/Electronics group review
- Dustin: Starting to think about how to do the testing of the electronics after the radiation damage tests
- For integrating amplifiers, might do bench testing with a current source to look at increase of noise
- For the counting mode amps, might be able to test a few bases at Mainz, then do the radiation exposure, then retest at a future Mainz test.
- Michael
- For the HVMAPS, we'd need to have the lpGBT and VTRx chips on a front-end board. He'll reach out to Ed J. if there has been any development at JLab for front-end boards with these chips