Analysis Mtg 250210

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  11:30am Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F324-325
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


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  • General discussion


Recording on zoomgov:

Participants: A. Sen, P. King, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee, B. Waidyawansa, R. Conaway, D. Spayde, C. Ghosh, X. Zhang, J. Shirk, S. Bhattarai, D. McNulty, K. Paschke, J. Mott, J. Tsakanikas, D. Schaper, Prakash, Z. Demiroglu

  • Paul did not do the pull requests last week but hopes to do it this week
  • Chandan does not have any updates on the GEM
    • Sayak and Chandan are resolving some bugs in the PMT analysis
  • Buddhini had reached out to Cameron about the Lagrange multiplier analysis scripts, but hasn't heard back. Chandan will help to reach out to Cameron
  • Danielle and Buddhini will be working together to develop the onboarding document, and to help Caryn's student
    • Buddhini asks if we could set up a virtual machine, such as a docker container
      • I note that the github integrated testing uses docker containers initially set up by Wouter; Buddhini will look into making a container more accessible
  • I will try to be more diligent at asking if anyone has updates on Fridays and only end up having meetings where we do have more topics for discussion