Analysis Mtg 250203
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 11:30am Eastern Location at JLab: CC F324-325 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested.
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Recording on zoomgov: [1] , Passcode: qH0u%dnx
Participants: X. Zhang, B. Waidyawansa, P. Gautam, A. Sen, R. Conaway, D. Spayde, O. Hansen, C. Ghosh, S. Bhattarai, J. Tsakanikas, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee, J. Shirk, K. Paschke
- Joachim has finished importing the rates of the quartz tiles into the detector map and has put up a pull request. He didn't have the asymmetries for the individual tiles.
- Paul is going to try to handle the pull request for the ET classes and Joachim's PR this week
- Chandan, David, and Sayak had a meeting last week
- Sayak will be working on the derived classes for the thin quartz, pion detectors, shower max, and LAMs
- Chandan will work on the tools for the GEM detector alignment and resolution once the MOLLER GEMs are available in the test stand
- This subgroup will be developing a list of the types of outputs and plots needed for the other detectors, and reach out to the detector groups for input
- We should start a small group meeting about thinking about how to manage the various map and parameter data. People interested in being part of it should let Paul know.
- Buddhini will reach out to help Danielle about developing an onboarding document to help new users get oriented in japan
- Kent has the old draft of the document about a possible blinding scheme; he and Paul will follow up to update that
- Buddhini asks where the Lagrange multiplier analysis scripts were located for PREX/CREX
- It might be in, or if not, could ask Cameron where the scripts might be located