Analysis Mtg 241003
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:30pm Eastern Location at JLab: CC F326-327 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested.
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Participants: A. Hurley, D. McNulty, J. Datta, J. Tsakanikas, Michael, R. Conaway, S. Regmi, W. Deconinck, Z. Demiroglu, K. Paschke, C. Ghosh
- Paul is still not finished with the PR merges.
- He realized today that the two branches have different beam parameter variation settings, and hopefully making them consistent with show that the branches are consistent and he'll be able to finish the merges
- Joachim and Kent have been thinking about how to include the detector correlations. They have some ideas that they will discuss with Paul by email
- No updates from Chandan on the counting mode
- Kent reports that John Mott will start to work on reviving the panguin scripts for the injector