Analysis Mtg 240919

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F326-327
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


  • Updates
    • Discussion of meeting time
  • General discussion


Participants: K. Paschke, P. King, J. Tsakanikas, R. Conaway, S. Bhattarai, A. Sen, J. Mott, S. Regmi, W. Deconinck, D. McNulty, J. Shirk, Z. Demiroglu, J. Datta

  • Discussion of meeting time
    • By the WhenIsGood poll, there is not a great time other than on Thursday afternoon. The Technical Board meeting is scheduled for 4-5pm on Thursdays, but does not meet every week.
    • The 3-4pm and 5-6pm times are possible, but pushing the meeting start to 3:00, or starting at 5:00 result in some of the participants unable to attend.
    • We will keep the meeting at 3:30 on Thursdays, and if there is a TB meeting we will just have to cut the analysis meeting short
  • Working through the pull requests, Paul ran into some mismatches in testing, in part due to an error in his commands to verify the differences. He is expecting to finish in the next few days
  • Wouter had started looking at some of the compilation warnings
    • Many of the warnings are due to derived class functions shadowing the corresponding functions in the base classes
    • There are ways to resolve these but need to be done for each base class and its derived classes all together, which leads to big pull requests
    • It would be good to work on this when we don't have other pull requests going on so as to avoid having to resolve conflicts
  • I'd like to get a larger scale performance study done as soon as we have the current PRs resolved
    • This would be be to generate a few ~GB data files and check the performance and do some profiling
    • After we've done that we could start in on the warnings.