Technical Board Meeting June 12, 2023
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- JLab FADCs for Counting DAQ. Paul King, DocDB 1139
- Paul King presented the plan to purchase 25 FADC250 boards, designed by and commonly in use at JLab.
- See slides of presentation. The FADC250s have been used in other high rate counting experiments. Their technical performance is well understood and integral to the design of the MOLLER counting DAQ. The slides present a channel count and note that the planned purchase would fill nearly all of 24 of the 25 modules. As many as 32 slots for these modules will be available in the planned DAQ crates. The new boards cost approximately $5,500 each.
- The new version of FADC250s is designed to have the same functionality as the previous versions, with the updated design primarily used to avoid obsolete parts. It is not clear at this time that the result will be a "drop-in" replacement - one could imagine some software libraries would require updating.
- It wasn't clear that there would be extra FADC250s to be borrowed should a need arise with MOLLER, at least, there wasn't a specific stash or decommissioned system identified that would serve as a possible source.
- Bob M. estimated a failure rate of about 1/25 per year, with half of those being repairable. This was a guess informed by experience, but not a documented rate.
- KK points out that, in addition to spares, the collaboration will likely need prototype DAQ at collaborating institutions to train collaboration members. Spares within the collaboration control could be used in this way.
- After discussion, the Board came to the following conclusions:
- It would be desirable to have a more robust estimate of the failure rate of the current FADC250 version to guide a decision on purchasing spares.
- The TB agrees that spares would serve the additional purpose of assisting training at collaborating institutions with prototype systems, without interfering with the assembly and testing of the full DAQ at JLab.
- The TB would be concerned about proceeding without sufficient spares, even with a low failure rate, but certainly with the estimated failure rate discussed at the meeting. The possibility to scrounge older version FADC250 might be helpful, but the value is limited by uncertain control software compatibility and the lack of a specific identified possible source. If possible, a modest number of spares (probably 3-5) should be included in the order.
- Other business:
- KK brought up the need for a counting DAQ prototype system at W&M to assist in detector assembly and testing. Paul K. reports that the plan is to have such a system in place by the end of spring (2024).
- Kent P noted that the low voltage power supplies for the quartz detector pre-amps will start the procurement process. The plan for the quartz detector readout chain will be brought to the TB for discussion at a future meeting, but this has been held off for the time being, so the presentation can be done alongside a broader presentation about the grounding plan.
- Kent Paschke, Chair (MOLLER Scientific Coordinator)
- Mark Pitt (Deputy Spokesperson, MOLLER-NSF Project Coordinator)
- Krishna Kumar (MOLLER Spokesperson)
- Jim Fast (DOE Project Manager)
- Carl Zorn (L2 CAM: Detectors)
- Robert Michaels (L2 CAM: DAQ)
- Vladimir Berdnikov (L2 CAM: Installation)
- Paul King (Working Group Convener: DAQ)
- Paul A Souder (Elected Executive Board Member)
- Silviu Covrig (Working Group Convener: Target)
- Caryn Palatchi (Working Group Convener: Polarized Beam)
- Rakitha Beminiwattha (Working Group Convener: Simulations)
- Jim Napolitano (Working Group Convener: Polarimetry)
- Yury Kolomensky (Working Group Convener: Physics Extraction)
- Juliette Mammei (Executive Board International Representative)
- Mark Jones (Hall A Leader)
- David Armstrong (Elected Executive Board Member)
- Robin Wines (Project Engineer)
- Dave Meekins (L2 CAM: Target)
- Mike Dion (L2 CAM: Spectrometer)
- Jessie Butler (Deputy DOE Project Manager)
- Dustin McNulty (Working Group Convener: Integrating Detectors)
- Ciprian Gal (L2 CAM: Infrastructure)
- Michael Gericke (MOLLER-CFI Project Coordinator)
- Nilanga Liyanage (Working Group Convener: Tracking Detectors)