Optics Meeting Aug 30 2023 1100AM ET

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  1. Energy dependency of the parameterizations [Zuhal] here


David, Paul S, Tyler, Andrew, Bill, Kate, Vassu


  1. (David) Paul and David have discussed an eigenector decomposition method as an alternative approach to our fitting algorithm.
  2. (Bill) will work on implementing changes to remoll to add the trigger scintillators, the 3 other layers of GEMs, and the GEM frames/ribs. Update next week. David will pass on Trigger Scintillator geometry details.
  3. (Kate) Zuhal could not join this week, but she had sent some slides to Kate. We walked through the slides which seemed to be an attempt to do a simultaneous global fit to simulated sieve data from 12C at various beam energies (steps of 0.5 GeV in beam energy). Fits don't seem to be doing a good job (but we are not sure we understand what we are seeing), possibly because the parameters don't have explicit energy dependence, which we might need.
  4. (Vassu) will be at a conference next week, won't be able to attend our meeting.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link