Technical Board Meeting July 30, 2024
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Technical Board Meeting June 11, 2024 << >> TBD
Online: see email
- Quartz and PMT purchases for ancillary detectors (Mark Pitt) slides
- Concrete shielding of Upstream Torus region (Ciprian Gal)
- Quartz and PMT purchases for aux sets:
- MP: request is approval for a large purchase for the auxiliary detectors
- MP: most of the components have been bought for other detectors in the experiment.
- MP: the SAMs will have different tubes; that have worked fine before in similar experimental settings
- CG: spares?
- MP: counts already have spares in them
- CG: DBM quartz position? Should it not be inside the segment?
- MP: the quartz is radially in. It is detecting low flux things but it gets to the phototubes but shielded by the segment Pb lip
- MP: the diffuse background can be picked up the DBM but would be swamped by signal in the quartz of the MD.
- CG: SAM PE yield comparable to what we had in PREX-2/CREX?
- MP: we are seeing a little larger PE yield (7 in PREX-2/CREX), but the light guide is shorter.
- DMeekins: Is there a way to disable the HV on the tubes on a fault?
- CG: we can investigate the inclusion of an interlock for the HV mainframe and will get back to DM with the options available.
- Concrete shielding change:
- CG: request is made to simplify the procurement process. HD concrete purchasing is proving to be quite difficult and expensive
- RW: side holes?
- CG: will allow for 24h of dissent but otherwise this change is approved
Next step:
- Mark Pitt (Deputy Spokesperson, MOLLER-NSF Project Coordinator)
- Ciprian Gal (L2 CAM: Infrastructure)
- Klaus Dehmelt (Deputy DOE Project Manager)
- David Armstrong (Elected Executive Board Member)
- Mark Jones (Hall A Leader)
- Ruben Fair (DOE Project Manager)
- Carl Zorn (L2 CAM: Detectors)
- Paul King (Working Group Convener: DAQ)
- Dustin McNulty (Working Group Convener: Integrating Detectors)
- Dave Meekins (L2 CAM: Target)
- Robin Wines (Project Engineer)
- Paul A Souder (Elected Executive Board Member)
- Nilanga Liyanage (Working Group Convener: Tracking Detectors)
Technical board membership:
- Kent Paschke, Chair (MOLLER Scientific Coordinator)
- Krishna Kumar (MOLLER Spokesperson)
- Michael Gericke (MOLLER-CFI Project Coordinator)
- Juliette Mammei (Executive Board International Representative)
- Mike Dion (L2 CAM: Spectrometer)
- Robert Michaels (L2 CAM: DAQ)
- Vladimir Berdnikov (L2 CAM: Installation)
- Silviu Covrig (Working Group Convener: Target)
- Caryn Palatchi (Working Group Convener: Polarized Beam)
- Jim Napolitano (Working Group Convener: Polarimetry)
- Rakitha Beminiwattha (Working Group Convener: Simulations)
- Yury Kolomensky (Working Group Convener: Physics Extraction)