IntegrationDaq 240726

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Back to Main Page >> Data Acquisition Meetings >> Integrating mode DAQ meetings

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  1:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion

Open Issues to be followed up later

  1. Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
  2. Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
  3. Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available


Recording at zoomgov:

Participants: B. Moffit, S. Regmi, D. Bishop, Z. Ji, B. Blaikie, S. Chatterjee, J. Pan, S. Malace, R. Michaels, P. King, C. Cuevas, R. Conaway, B. Shaw, P. Souder, J. Datta

  • Daryl: he's about 75% through the layout changes. He expects to finish that next week.
    • Since the SMA connectors (and the Lemo connector) on the back panel are metal, we'd need to make sure there's plenty of room around the connectors on the back panel to keep the ground isolation on the board. Chris thinks it makes sense to just over-size the holes in the panel
    • Daryl will send the updates out next week for comment
    • Chris thinks that since the changes are relatively minor we will just need to update the board's entry in the
  • Bryerton
    • He's gone through the specifications document
    • Question about the synchronizing the ADC sample timing using the clock-sync
      • The ADC readout clock is at 125 MHz
      • The divide-by-N counter can't be reset naively, because of the conversion process.
      • What he proposes is for the ADC sample clock to begin being issued when the trigger arrives, and stop issuing the sample clocks after the N-th sample clock has been issued. The ADC would then not be sampled until the next trigger arrives
      • Bryerton will draw a timing diagram of how the sample clocks would be issued
  • Bryan has finished the software for MIchael to use his TIs through his CAEN VME controller
  • Bryan is finishing putting William's TI changes into the fork of the MOLLER_ADC firmware repo and expects to put a PR later today