Optics Meeting Nov 15 2023 1100AM ET

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  1. [Kate] Update on GEM frames in remoll [1]


David, Paul, Kate, Zuhal, Vassu, Andrew


  1. (David) No meeting next week (American Thanksgiving holiday). The following week (Nov. 29) will be during the DNP, so many people will not be available. We will decide later if there is reason for meeting then. Kate will post her slides for her Tracking system talk at the DNP to the mailing list for comments/feedback.
  2. (Kate) As we had suspected, there was a duplication of detector numbering which caused what appeared to be spurious hits on GEM frames in remoll; for the moment, a simple cut on the Z of the hit eliminates them from the plots.
  3. (Vassu): outlined next steps in optics fits. Step one is to get rid of radiative events. Ways to do this a) make targets thinner (but would internal radiation (inner bremsstrahlung) still contribute? Need a remoll expert to be sure. b) cut on difference between the scattered electron energy after the vertex and the energy as seen at the sieve? Wouldn't get rid of pre-vertex radiation and/or internal radiation. c) (suggested by Paul): use the theta_vertex and the beam energy and calculate E' at the sieve for elastic 12C scattering, and cut on this. This avoids the internal radiation issue. Step 2 is to use our "global fit (all beam energies, all 12C foil locations)" and plot fit residuals against different GEM variables (r, r', r^2, r^3, abs(phi_local), phi_local^2, etc.) to see patterns that suggest what additional terms would be needed in the fit functional form.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link