Optics Meeting Nov 8 2023 1100AM ET

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  1. [Kate] Basic simulation results with GEMs [1]


Kate, Paul S., Andrew, Tyler, Bill, David


  1. (Kate) generated root files with Moller generator with and without the new geometry elements: GEM frames/ribs, Kapton foils, TS, GEM gas volume. Response at the MD plane looks unaffected (within low statistics), as we would expect. Puzzle with the x-y plot of the hits on the GEM frames (detector=520), but we quickly deduce that the same detector ID is being used for something near the main collimator (by plotting the Z of these hits), so that can easily be cleaned up (need to choose a different detector ID number for our GEM frames) - Kate will update the slides.
  2. (Bill) Next step will be to add a 0.1 mm Gaussian smearing to the GEM hits.
  3. no other updates for this week.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link