Simulation Computing Workshop May 26 2023

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Simulation Page


  1. [TBA Doc-DB link to the workshop]
  2. [TBA Participant Contact Information]

Remote Connection Information



These Demos (Recorded videos with instructions will be uploaded) will guide you to set up your computer for the workshop. There are also instructions for computing cluster access and utilization.

  1. How to setup virtual machine for the workshop
  2. How to setup ifarm computing environment
  3. How to submit batch jobs
  4. How to setup Compute Canada cluster computing environment and submit batch jobs


From 8:30 am to 11:45 am Will post recording for all the talks below after the workshop

  1. [8:30 am] PVES overview and MOLLER experimental concept by TBA
  2. [9:00 am] Introduction to Geant4 with Remoll by TBA
  3. [9:30 am] Break
  4. [9:45 am] Introduction to GDML Geometries in Remoll] by TBA
  5. [10:15 am] Job submission to Computing Clusters by TBA
  6. [10:45 am] Introduction to Root by Eric King TBA

Hands-On Session

From 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm The program subject to change, The hands-on session and will be followed up with more details. Hands-On materials for this session are available at TBA The google drive includes all the completed scripts and videos of the session

  1. [1:00 pm] Using Root to access simulation output
    1. Basic Root terminal commands
    2. Writing scripts to automate data access
  2. [2:00 pm] Basic Operations with Remoll Simulation
    1. Run simulation in visual mode
    2. How to Modify Simulation Geometries in GDML
  3. [3:30 pm] Introduction to Data Analysis using Simulation Data
    1. Run simulation in batch mode
    2. Simple Data Analysis Project