Monday, February 6, 2023 9am ET
From Moller Wiki
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- Status
- Manitoba
- Prioritization of sims - webpage
- MOLLER elements spreadhseet
- index for various MOLLER items
- links to brief description, docDB documents, and ultimately drawings
- Status
- brass pieces have a somewhat high permeability
- need a limit on the permeability that can be used
- Caryn's ferrous materials report
- Eric's more recent report
- we'll need where things are, reevaluate the allowed permeability as a function of position
- Si bronze ok - brass 360 are the ones that had higher permeability measured
- detailed drawing review for all the clamping of the coils
- 3D printing collimator 5
- brass pieces have a somewhat high permeability
- checking drawings from Dave
- working on with Plansee supports for sieve, blocker, collimator 4
- step file requested for collar 0
- 2-bounce shield needs work because can't be made as a 2m long tube
- Manitoba/Physics
- Prioritization of sims - webpage
- MOLLER elements spreadhseet
- index for various MOLLER items
- links to brief description, docDB documents, and ultimately drawings
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