IntegrationDaq 230113

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Back to Main Page >> Data Acquisition Meetings >> Integrating mode DAQ meetings

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  12:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 160 380 0887
 Passcode: 903612
 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864
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  • Activity updates
    • Bryerton: Quick notes on the TI test
      • Verified all signals were locked to clock, with no apparent jitter
      • Signal from genoutp verilog array used appears to be SYNC signal (the purple signal). Could not get 'trigger' signal to appear on digitizer side
      • PCIe card signal shown is from 3rd pair on TIpcie card (the yellow signal)
      • Commands used to move SYNC signal from zero to full scale range on digitizer module:
        devmem 0x80000050 32 0x00000000 (712ns before of sync from TIpcie)
        devmem 0x80000050 32 0x0000FF00 (312ns after sync from TIpcie)
      • Command used for screenshots
        devmem 0x80000050 32 0x0000B600 (sync inside trigger window)
        devmem 0x80000050 32 0x0000FF00 (sync outside trigger window, post-trigger window)
      • DIP position from pin 1 to pin 6: 100010
  • General discussion

Open Issues to be followed up later

  1. Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
  2. Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
  3. Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available


Recording at zoomgov:
