IntegrationDaq 230127
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 380 0887 Passcode: 903612 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864 Find your local number:
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Open Issues to be followed up later
- Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
- Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
- Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available
Recording at zoomgov: [1]
Participants: B. Shaw, W. Gu, R. Michaels, B. Blaikie, D. Bishop, D. McNulty, M. Gericke, C. Cuevas
- Bryerton, William, and Bryan will follow up to understand the issues with getting the TI interface to respond.
- William has the same PCIe-TI set-up as Bryerton has, so they will be able to do tests in parallel
- Bob has started to prepare a requirements document for beamline instrumentation to give to Nate Rider
- Chris has been working on a statement of work for the fiber run for the TI connection
- I need to check with OU procurement to see if I'd be able to fund the installation directly
- Daryl would like to get some feedback on how well the ADC module is working to be sure that we're not missing something before we go ahead with the next round of procurement
- Michael thinks he and Brynne can report on the test beam data for the next meeting
- Daryl also says he wouldn't be able to work on the ADC card changes he knows until roughly April. He estimates a few weeks of adjustment work