CountingDaq 220429

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  12:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 160 380 0887
 Passcode: 903612
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  • "Digital BCM readout: what was done and what could be done at JLab" -- Bob M.
  • Activity updates
  • Thoughts about getting ready for 90% review
    • Need to draft & submit the change request to take the VETROC out of design
    • HDMI cable length tests; decision on MPD position; radiation environment evaluation for MPDs
    • Availability of Hanjie's SOLID test stand firmware as reference/example for VTP trigger definition?
    • Follow-up with grounding working group?
    • Beam monitor requirements for counting mode and how to instrument?
    • Electrical safety evaluation of components; Electrical Safety Committee member for review?
  • General discussion


Recording on Zoom: [1]

Participants: R. Michaels, C. Ghosh, D. Armstrong, P. King, C. Zorn, D. McNulty, B. Moffit

  • Discussion of previous work on JLab digital beam monitors
    • Chad and Randall had previously had a system to send digital data, a 24-bit word at 10ksps, from a BCM to a V1495. The V1495 accumulated these data words to produce the charge integral over a CODA run
    • Bob and I will follow up with John and Chad Seaton about the path to develop a system that would meet our needs.
  • Activity updates
    • Paul has restored the server for his test stand at OU (after a major server crash)
    • Bob now has a VTP in his TEDF test stand, but hasn't started working with it yet.
      • We have Hanjie's github repo with the SOLID VTP test stand firmware, and Bob is also following the development of the HCAL VTP firmware
    • David hasn't received the HDMI cables for the length study yet
    • David is working to get xray fluxes at the GEMs, to be able to see if that will cause significant changes in our rates. He may have a result in a few weeks
  • Discussion of what to do for 90% review
    • We haven't put in the change request to take the VETROC out of our design.
      • David suggests bringing Mark P. into the discussion about removing the VETROC to see if some of the diagnostic channels need the better timing.
      • In our previous plan, we had specified the JLab discriminator/scaler modules that were clocked at 125MHz, so to benefit from the better time resolution we'd need to specify different discriminators
      • Note added after the meeting: there may be some channels where we just want to look at timing, such as the timing between the event trigger and the GEM clock. So we might want a VETROC and some discriminators in the system even if we don't use them for the bulk of the channels.
    • The major issue for setting up the 90% review is getting the beamline instrumentation better defined. Bob and I will follow up in a few weeks to decide if we need to delay the 90% review from the penciled-in "June" time-frame