CountingDaq 220415
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 380 0887 Passcode: 903612 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864 Find your local number:
- Activity updates
- Counting-mode DAQ prototype update
- Thoughts about getting ready for 90% review
- Need to draft & submit the change request to take the VETROC out of design
- HDMI cable length tests; decision on MPD position; radiation environment evaluation for MPDs
- Availability of Hanjie's SOLID test stand firmware as reference/example for VTP trigger definition?
- Follow-up with grounding working group?
- Beam monitor requirements for counting mode and how to instrument?
- Electrical safety evaluation of components; Electrical Safety Committee member for review?
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom: [1]
Participants: C. Ghosh, R. Michaels, P. King, M. Gericke, D. McNulty, J. Fast
- Hanjie has started a new postdoc at BNL
- Update after the meeting: Hanjie's VTP trigger design for the SOLID calorimeter is available at
- Bob reports on his test stand in TEDF
- He's tested five SIS3820 scalers
- He has FADC and VETROC in the crate; MOLLER won't use the VETROC but he is using this to also develop the polarimeter DAQs which will
- He hasn't yet used the VTP trigger; he is following what is being done for the conversion to VTP triggering for the HCAL
- Discussion of HVMAPS
- Michael plans to use a commercial FPGA that has a sufficient number of transceivers to connect to the HVMAPS
- He has a test kit for the low-power transceivers from CERN
- He will soon buy the FPGA
- While he's at Mainz for the test beam, he'll have some time to talk with the engineer there who has been working with HVMAPS
- Paul asks if we could have ROCs that can be switched between integrating and counting mode; Bryan says that the TI modules can have two fiber inputs that can be selected during the CODA startup
- Jim brings up the issue of how Ohio will pay for the JLab designed modules
- If all the effort is through the vendor PO, that would be easiest
- If we need to pay JLab for some effort, it would require a CRADA
- In the past there had been a way for universities to fund an account at the lab, but its not clear how that was actually handled
- Discussion about preparation for the 90% review
- Jim is most concerned with the integration of the beamline instrumentation and the HVMAPS
- Paul and Bob will set up a small group meeting with Yury, Mark P., and Kent to clarify our concerns/requirements, then we'll approach John M. again.
- Jim is most concerned with the integration of the beamline instrumentation and the HVMAPS