CountingDaq 220318
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 380 0887 Passcode: 903612 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864 Find your local number:
- Presentation by J. Musson about JLab beam monitor instrumentation status/plans: John's slides in DocDB 877
- Suggested pre-reading material from John: Tech note about JLab digital recievers
- Draft memo about the needs for interfacing the beam monitors with the DAQ, DocDB 876
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom: [1]
Participants: J. Musson, M. Pitt, A. Camsonne, B. Moffit, Y. Mei, J. Fast, R. Michaels, R. Carlini, K. Evans, N. Rider, D. Armstrong, K. Cole, D. Flay, D. McNulty, C. Ghosh, D. Mack, C. Zorn, Y. Kolomensky