Thursday, December 6, 2018 11am ET
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- Prototype testing results (Ernie)
- 37 C predicted - 32 C was the result
- 10 turn coil 30 C expected in another coil: 1938 A (reading meter off front of supply)
- flow meters - tevalin mech. accuracy +/-2% full scale, pressure gauges +/- 1%
- IR and gauges gave the same results
- 24.1 C at little triangle
- you can see the Delta T from inside to outside
- stresses across coil - Delta T of 30 C
- Left on for ~2 hours
- Chiller would climb over time (chiller issue not coil issue)
- How much overhead is there - function of the water flow
- is there thermal runaway? At what point would it be?
- 70 C on coil - never get close to that - depends on inlet temperature
- will be interlocked - never get to runaway conditions
- what about a failed sensor - coil gets plugged up?
- multiple redundant interlocks meters for DeltaT, flow rate, voltage (R changing)
- weren't having flow meters on every cooling path
- could have a temperature monitor on each
- mechanical temp gauges mounted around; very close to the IR gauge
- everything referenced to inlet coolant temperature
- watch exactly where the conductor goes
- How long did it take to reach thermal equilibrium? - 20-30 minutes
- Emissivity settings (0.95) - set as well as bandwidth - compare to reference
- had a confirmation measurement with the mechanical gauge
- 1938 A - long coil - flow 20% low
- but DeltaT is smaller
- no radiation in Hall in the calculations
- still haven't processed everything
- 0.7 m^2, 500 W seems low compared to what was seen
- coil was not uniform temperature
- epoxy temperature - all thermal measurements on epoxy surface
- Costing the spectrometer
- Rational for structural support for the coils
- He vs. air
- Upcoming meetings
Attendance: Ernie, Jim, Jason, Juliette, Roger, Kent, Ruben, Dave, Probir, Sandesh, KK
- Prototype testing results
- Costing the spectrometer
- Rational for structural support for the coils
- He vs. air
- Upcoming meetings
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