Thursday, September 27, 2018 11am ET
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- collimator 1 preliminary design summary (Jason)
- envelopes update (KK)
- Coild design evolution (Sandesh)
- Review of goals for spectrometer
Attendance: Juliette, Sandesh, Ruben, Jason, Kent, KK, Dave, Probir, Ernie
- collimator 1 preliminary design summary (Jason)
- Not a design document
- Summary of work in progress
- old study (4 years old) so intro picture is old
- collimator 3 doesn't exist
- collimator 4 is no longer located inside the vacuum can
- beam shield (not beamline) and photon collimator is still in the design
- "petal" collimators - cooling is easy
- Rakitha did power deposited on collimator
- Jason designed water cooling concept
- fins and water channels stay within the shadow of the "collimators"
- did full CFD for temperature
- also looked at stresses (not particularly large - 1/10 yield strength of alloy)
- conceptual design of supports
- Further work
- fins in section 4 (or whole way along collimator)
- section 4 already has a smaller channel to get a faster water flow
- but more material all along the way would probably be good for self-shielding
- Questions
- Kashy - 104 degrees celcius - film boiling at that surface inside water channel
- no heat transfer?
- rastered beam
- no copper component to the collimator material
- Sandesh - there is some hitting of the collimator in hybrid
- may need to neck this down a little more
- Review of goals for spectrometer
- Collaboration meeting
- taking stock
- listening to the lab management
- real project in calendar 19
- Director's Review
- need to prove there are no showstoppers
- parity-quality beam
- spectrometer
- got impression that upper management thinks spectrometer won't work
- focusing will work - but not the mechanical and water/power properties
- closer look at the cost
- need to prove there are no showstoppers
- CD1 from DOE as early as next year
- will include project management stuff
- How to work together?
- convince ourselves that the baseline designed as envisioned will work
- assume tests at MIT will work
- rely on outside expertise (external Magnet advisory group meetings)
- Collaboration meeting
- Prototype tests
- Ernie trying to get tests done
- need to show that work has started
- test plan
- testing shouldn't take too long
- differences between prototype and "real" coil are not relevant to the validity of the tests
- Envelopes
- Sandesh noticed a huge interference at 14 m
- designed with envelopes generated by Juliette
- wanted to automate the envelop generation
- didn't use small enough step size within magnet
- automated tracks were to large in some places
- pictures had Ernie's conductor, strongbacks designed with Jason's conductor, old envelops (blue) and new envelops (brown)
- brown envelops match the TOSCA ones
- Questions about different coil cross-sections
- some stuff is really old... put "OLD" blatantly on the slide
- Jason's in 10-2013 layout/conductor size
- 2016 version - small conductor and larger conductor but slide 6 has odd # turns
- what is the prototype? slide 7 but with even number of coils
- current densities are lower but hard to wind
- prototype has all even numbers of conductors for ease of winding
- test the worst case scenario and then others would be easier
- should use conventional winding if possible
- Two questions we will be asked
- Are there showstoppers for the baseline design?
- prototype is testing the water-cooling properties and is perfectly valid for these tests
- Can the baseline design be improved?
- slide 7 has lower current density but is not conventionally wound
- prototype layout (slide 10) is conventionally wound but has higher current density
- DOE Reviewer - pushing limits and addressing risks
- similar systems - proof of successful operation without degrading the experimental goals
- Magnet Advisory Group meeting
- after prototype testing
- full CAD with ins/outs etc
- what resources do we need for a Magnet Advisory Committee
- more formal fashion
- drill down deep and be critical
- help with looking at slide 7 (manufacturable?)
- prototype coil - get the results of testing
- slide 10 - should be optimized with conductor sizes
- Are there showstoppers for the baseline design?
- scope for JLAB
- prototype coils
- drift media possibilities
- optimization of magnet designs
- Collaboration meeting
- not a review
- status report
- prototype tests
- what JLAB is working on
- how we plan to go forward
- Magnet Advisory Group meeting
- How are they wound
- 7 mil half-lapped, typically dry
- can obtain B-stage tape with rad-hard epoxy
- wind from inside-out, in opposite directions
- leads on inner radius instead of outside
- can't put tape on too tight and then have too sharp of a coil
- winding form - have to give it back
- wound red one first, baked
- yellow, blue then green - adding every time
- have to be able to get water and power in and out
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