Thursday, September 27, 2018 11am ET

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Revision as of 15:08, 27 September 2018 by Crowder (Talk | contribs)

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  1. collimator 1 preliminary design summary (Jason)
  2. Review of goals for spectrometer


Attendance: Juliette, Sandesh, Ruben, Jason, Kent, KK, Dave, Probir, Ernie

  1. collimator 1 preliminary design summary (Jason)
    1. Not a design document
    2. Summary of work in progress
    3. old study (4 years old) so intro picture is old
      1. collimator 3 doesn't exist
      2. collimator 4 is no longer located inside the vacuum can
      3. beam shield (not beamline) and photon collimator is still in the design
    4. "petal" collimators - cooling is easy
  2. Review of goals for spectrometer

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