Optics Meeting Sep 27 2023 1100AM ET
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Kate, Paul S, David, Hanjie, Tyler, Vassu, Juliette, Ciprian, Bill, Zuhal
- (David) planning for next steps: I believe that we should revisit the use of a "local" phi rather than a "global" phi in fitting functions that use phi (and phi') in mixes with GEM radial observables (i.e. extracting theta, E' or potential v_z) - effects due to azimuthal defocusing must depend on whether the track is in the center of a sector versus near the coils, i.e. on the local phi.
- (Bill) now has 2 layers of GEMs and 1 layer of trigger scintillators in each sector in remoll. Working on adding the remaining GEMs
and scintillators. When ready, he will communicate with Kate who will run simulations to compare with the standard (i.e. no tracking system materials in the simulation).
- (Bill) Discussion with Eric Fuchey on the SBS experience with simulating low-energy photons and other backgrounds in their GEMs. The good news is that they (SBS) now get very good agreement on the GEM singles rates using standard libraries for GEANT 4 (i.e. no need for low-energy Livermore libraries). The earlier discrepancies they had observed are mainly due to not including the effect of the SBS corrector magnets causing low-energy secondary Moller electrons from their target to be bent towards the spectrometers.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link