Optics Meeting Aug 30 2023 1100AM ET
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David, Paul S, Tyler, Andrew, Bill, Kate, Vassu
- (David) Paul and David have discussed an eigenector decomposition method as an alternative approach to our fitting algorithm.
- (Bill) will work on implementing changes to remoll to add the trigger scintillators, the 3 other layers of GEMs, and the GEM frames/ribs. Update next week. David will pass on Trigger Scintillator geometry details.
- (Kate) Zuhal could not join this week, but she had sent some slides to Kate. We walked through the slides which seemed to be an attempt to do a simultaneous global fit to simulated sieve data from 12C at various beam energies (steps of 0.5 GeV in beam energy). Fits don't seem to be doing a good job (but we are not sure we understand what we are seeing), possibly because the parameters don't have explicit energy dependence, which we might need.
- (Vassu) will be at a conference next week, won't be able to attend our meeting.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link