Optics Meeting Jun 20 2023 200PM ET
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- Table of present Sieve Hole angular acceptances (Kate) [1]
- Sieve Hole Tilting: energy loss in sieve. 5-pass simulations with Sieve (Vassu)[2]
- Sieve Hole Tilting: r,r', phi, theta distributions, rates (Zuhal), here
Kate, David, Vassu, Kent, Zuhal, Ryan, Tyler, Ciprian, Mike D.
- From Kate's table of present sieve holes: we cover a theta range from 0.313 degrees (US foil with hole 11) out to 1.10 degrees (DS foil with
holes 13 & 73), which covers almost all of the lH2 target acceptance.
- (Vassu): Slit scattering measured by looking at the fraction of events that lose > 10 MeV in energy in the sieve. With the 9 mm non-tilt hole
we typically get less slit scattering than for smaller (5mm) diameter holes; statistics are marginal, and the effect is not dramatic: average (over all holes, all sectors, all 3 beam energies) we go from 1.6% slit scattering with 9 mm holes to 2.6% slot scattering with 5 mm holes. If we tilt the 5 mm holes, then the slit scattering goes down from 2.6% to 2.1%. The
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer Finch for Zoom link