Simulation Meeting December 1 2020 12PM ET

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  1. Downstream two bounce shield pipe slides - Chandan
  2. Transmission studies of Barite Concrete slides - Chandan
  3. Target shielding update - Ciprian docDB653v3
    1. Boundary dose impact of 2m diameter hole in the shielding above target chamber: Weibin docDB657
    2. Impact of removing upstream wall on radiation upstream of the target: Sakib docDB656
  4. SAM impact on radiation: Vassu docDB658



bluejeans information

Meeting ID 635010453

Meeting URL

Here are more details about the meeting connection:

Connecting directly from a room system? 1) Dial: or 2) Enter Meeting ID: 635 010 453

Just want to dial in on your phone? 1) +1.408.740.7256 (US)

   +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
   +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)

2) Enter Meeting ID: 635 010 453 3) Press #

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