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My advice is that you can use high impedance for a local data acquisition system but it is recommended that you use a 50 Ohm termination if you are running long cables.  Just remember that you only get one 50 Ohm load per signal.
My advice is that you can use high impedance for a local data acquisition system but it is recommended that you use a 50 Ohm termination if you are running long cables.  Just remember that you only get one 50 Ohm load per signal.
===  Response from Jay Benesch about BPMs in the Hall ===
Five of the seven BPMs in the hall proper will be short machined striplines which use the digital receivers designed for arc 10 and Hall D.  Only these will fit given optics requirements and keeping the polarimeter locations fixed.  The other two may be existing SEE BPMs or may be changed as there is space downstream of the Moller polarimeter where shielding was once to go.
All the BPMs in the BSY and alcove will remain SEEs.
== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==

Revision as of 19:06, 30 July 2021

Back to Main Page >> Data Acquisition Meetings >> Integrating mode DAQ meetings

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 BlueJeans calling instructions:
 Toll-Free Number (U.S.&  Canada):  888-240-2560
 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers
 Bluejeans CODE:                    641 252 323
 Bluejeans link: https://bluejeans.com/641252323


  • Progress on prototype
  • Requirements document needed. From Jim's message: "we need to get the requirements for trigger/DAQ documented and Rev 0 approved prior to our annual review this fall"
  • Follow-up on discussion of input impedance to match beamline signals
  • General discussion

Need two things by end of August (no hard deadline). Some of this is just cut/paste from existing docs.

1. Design requirements document -- examples and template : http://userweb.jlab.org/~rom/mollerdaq/design

2. ICD -- interface control document(s). -- apparently Robin Wines made a template and it's on sharepoint. It seems we need several of these (infrastructure to DAQ; detectors to DAQ, etc).


Response from Tom Powers about beamline sample and hold card output

B0227 SEE S H module sch RevB p1.pdf

Here is a schematic of one of the channels, which is in the EECAD directory as well as document control.

The LM6321 is a 50 Ohm driver with a gain of 1. The topology of having the 50 Ohm resistor where it is makes it such that the circuit can put out as much as +/-10 V to a high impedance load and +/-5 V to a 50 Ohm load. The topology is also such that the output voltage remains the same if you have a high impedance load or a 50 Ohm load and so long as you do not exceed +/-5 V.

The target value for the SEE wire signals is about 3.5 V or minus 3.5 V depending on which output channel you use. Thus it is a don't care on the load type.

My advice is that you can use high impedance for a local data acquisition system but it is recommended that you use a 50 Ohm termination if you are running long cables. Just remember that you only get one 50 Ohm load per signal.

Response from Jay Benesch about BPMs in the Hall

Five of the seven BPMs in the hall proper will be short machined striplines which use the digital receivers designed for arc 10 and Hall D. Only these will fit given optics requirements and keeping the polarimeter locations fixed. The other two may be existing SEE BPMs or may be changed as there is space downstream of the Moller polarimeter where shielding was once to go.


All the BPMs in the BSY and alcove will remain SEEs.


Recording on Bluejeans.com:
