Wednesday, September 11, 2019 2:30pm ET
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Presentation slides
Plots with no field
- Double-check
- engineers have envelopes, right?
- Task tracker
- Overall timeline for work
- He/vac - then vacuum or helium vessel design can proceed
- choose segmented vs. merged DS torus
- collimators
- beamline
- windows
- vacuum to He then He to air
- OR - target vac to coil vac and vac to air
- shielding
- 2-bounce shielding
- lintels
- collars
- Status of He vs Vac decision - Pugh matrix
- He risk to PMTs
- fighting backgrounds (from beampipe and He)
- cost savings?
- Collaboration meeting
- plan for 1-1.5 hours (do we need more?)
- who should speak? about what?
Attendance: Jim, Ernie, Ruben, Probir, Robin, Sandesh, Chandan, Juliette, Dave
- update to beampipe simulations
- thinner material
- Be promising - tubes have been made of Be
- Al can't be made thin enough
- C-C composite (too expensive?)
- some plastic (need to be thick, outgasses, embrittlement)
- biggest gain is with stray field shielding
- mumetal shielding
- solenoid to focus?
- would beampipe need to be cooled? (power deposition in beampipe/shielding)
- What vacuum is needed in vacuum case? 10^-4 to 10^-3 Torr?
- window at scattering chamber?
- differential pumping - what is needed along beamline in Hall - 10^-7 Torr?
- thinner material
- Task Tracker
- many things are not needed until CD2
- assimilation of MIT work has been done
- Update from engineers
- coil downselect has not be done, but work is ongoing to make realistic comparisons
- no new collimator work
- beampipe design
- risk areas identified
- need to score and work into matrix
- updating drawings of coils/collimators for budgetary quotes for ICR
- collaboration meeting talks
- Physics talk
- Engineering talk
- What would benefit the collaboration most to present?
- CDR - when will it be done?
- Independent Cost Review (ICR) still mid-November
- next meeting
- score the He/vac Pugh matrix
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