Wednesday, July 3, 2019 2:30pm ET
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- Status of the adjustment to changes from Director's Review
- Collimator 1
- Collimator 2
- Plan for Envelopes
- Other work
Attendance: KK, Probir, Randy, Ruben, Juliette, Ernie, Dave, Sakib, Chandan, Sandesh
- Column G as new baseline?
- Collimator 1
- new collimator 1 length
- overlap with collimator 2
- move in simulation using the appropriate radii
- run power sims in parallel with the others
- Collimator 2
- look at the column E/F sims check v7.5
- move it ds and choose the new radii corresponding to 7.5
- Collimator 4/5 and lintels
- designed in parallel with the envelop creation
- then the envelops to JLAB
- look for interferences with their new blocky models
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