Thursday, August 6, 2020 2pm ET
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- Update on magnet field scan (Garrett)
- 10% clearly good enough in the Ring 2 plot
- Ring 5 is harder, but will be able to benchmark the radiative tail
- can see something in the asymmetric map as well
- beam transport to the dump (Sakib)
- looked at now for the "worst-case" coil config
- got a list of other things to look at
- Talks for Dir. Rev. (Ruben, Dave, Ernie, Juliette)
- we need to understand the sequence
- Field mapping plan (Ruben)
- Juliette, Ruben, Ernie first session
- Ruben and Dave other sessions
- Next meeting
Attendance: Garrett, Sakib, Ruben, Chandan, Dave Kashy, Kent, KK, Naz, Probir, Qiuli, Randy, Renuka, Sandesh, Juliette, Ernie, Roger
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