Simulation Meeting October 19 2021 11AM ET
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- Ferrous material simulation for GEM rotor stand: David
- CAD to GDML conversion tools
- Ferrous material budget request for rotator support stand
- JT file for importing the support stand in GDML
- Afeez could help out this (Rakitha's student)
- David and Chandika will set up a meeting with Larry Batozek and David Kashy next week
- we have a machine at JLab for general use that has SolidWorks. Just need to have a JLab account and remote into it.
- Wouter implemented a way to import the cad outline into gdml to check that the positionings matched . we don't use it to run sims but it is there for crosscheck if anyone needs for a skunkworks approach to use the STEP directly in gdml.
- Looks like there is good code in github for this developed by LZ experiment.
- Mark wants to know what level beam dump simulation details are included for the main detector simulation? Chandan, Devi, and Mark will have a separate meeting
- Data quota for volatile increased.
bluejeans information
Meeting ID 635010453
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