Simulation Meeting October 17 2019 1030AM ET
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Simulation Task List Updated 2019
- Simulation tasks (new)
File:MOLLER Tasks List v8 Sim.doc
- Simulation tasks Task List by Dustin
- Simulation tasks Task List by Rakitha
- Main detector simulation tasks Task List by Michael
- Detector area radiation dose and shielding plan: Sakib, Rakitha, KK
- Simulation Software updates: Wouter, Cameron
Attendance: Rakitha, Donald, Sakib, Cameron, Dimitry, Michael,
- We can run the main simulation with the detector geometry that can be done.
- Example macro how to turn on/off sensitive volumes to increase performances.
- We have a guide to starting simulation (Cameron)
- Cost review in the middle of November. Cost estimate for how we going to build the support structure and shielding support. How much shielding. what type of shielding. Separate support structure for detector mount and shielding
- Detector geometry gdml file is generated by an editable CSV file. See
- We make changes in cadp.csv and reexecute the perl scripts, then everything downstream is changed in all downstream implementations
- Catherine Feldman is actively working on updating the detector geometry definitions with the shorter experiment (with Cameron and Sakib)
- Simulation list google doc keeps a list of important simulation tasks.
- Dimitry (Temple U) will start setting the simulation up this week. He can then start contributing to detector area shielding design and support structure studies.
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