Simulation Meeting October 14 2024 1030AM ET
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Agenda for Today
- Sieve Collimator
- Remoll external generator
- Optical simulation for showermax and thin-quartz
Running Agenda
- Ongoing Hyperon study
- Ongoing Ferrous studies
- ep elastic background study to compare soft and hard scattering: Not yet started
- Zuhal will make a github issue ticket
- Need to someone to simulate on ifarm to reproduce the issue
- Kent and Prakash can use the develop version of the sieve and blocker
- Discussion about utilizing remoll for showermax and thin-quartz
- Overhead for doing a study to compare qsim and remoll optical simulation
- Parameterization that gives for a given subsystem should produce the optical response
- So incorporate all the responses into remoll especially from thin-quartz, showermax and pion
- Qsim version of thin-quartz and showermax link
- Sudip will make jefferson lab git repo (email instructions to Sudip)
- Sudip will provide make a lookup table to provide PE response for input kinematics at showermax
- Reach out to Micheal to get a repository and possibility of making a lookup table