Simulation Meeting June 24 2021 2PM ET

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  1. Lintel and lead collar next steps - Chandan
  2. #emoll code update by Sakib
  3. Design questions about drift pipe region - Dave


David Kashy, Ciprian Gal, David Flay, Michael Gericke, Devi, Rakitha Beminiwattha, Elham Gorgannejad, sakib, Chandan Ghosh, Mark L. Pitt, Caryn P, Brynne Blaikie, Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu ROBIN WINES, andrew, Eric Sun, Paul King, Krishna Kumar, Dustin McNulty, Sakib, sudip, Probir Ghoshal, Jim Fast, sakib, Kent Paschke, Caryn Palatchi


  1. Chandan is working on the lintel design that requires an update due to changes in the detector area, will follow up with study.
  2. remoll code update by Sakib:
    1. Update the devel code to make sure by default LH2 target is used
  3. David Kashy : pion detector region including lead+concrete donut need extra support and
    1. Engineering will need to follow up with pion detector group for more feedback
  4. David Kashy : Trying to thin down the drift pipe and have a small neck down will followup with a simulation study,

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