SLAC Analysis Meeting March 29 2019 12PM ET
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- PREX Tandem data
- Simulation software updates
- Documentation of Analysis and Readmes
- GEM decoding, centroid ROOT files, and tracking
- Attendance: Cameron, Ryan, Dustin, Tao, Brady, Joey
- Excused: Chandan
- Cameron's MOLLER ring 5 analysis and simulation results: slides
- Double check poissonian analysis technique for simulation and apply simple Gaussian fit to the 1 electron (non-poissonian) analysis as an idiot check
- Apply Brady's fit to the poissonian analysis simulation results
- Joey's ShowerMax results:
- Data trends with simulation, higher E beam gives better resolution, as expected
- Detector simulations need more attention:
- It appears that reflections off of the cathode face and again off the quartz can artificially increase the light yields
- Knowing our gains is very important, and we need to understand why some of them have changed over the last 10 years
Connection Info
The Meeting Information is:
Phone Dial In:
1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
1.408.317.9253 (US Primary)
Meeting ID: 350 784 981
Moderator Passcode: 1234
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