SLAC Analysis Meeting February 8 2019 12PM ET

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  • PREX Tandem data (with gaussian fits, no simulation): Brady ELOG
  • Simulation software updates
  • Documentation of Analysis and Readmes
  • GEM decoding, centroid ROOT files, and tracking


  • Attendance: Cameron, Tao, Dustin, Seamus, Brady, Carlos, Chandan
  • Excused:


  • Brady's PREX Tandem slides
    • PREX Tandem detector runs make sense, but need proper axes, normalizations, and descriptions of what was happending during the run so comparisons of different spectra can be made
  • Joey has been analyzing the MOLELR ShowerMax detectors and is making progress
    • Need preliminary conclusions by mid-March for ShowerMax
  • Run list google spreadsheet
  • Tao - series of posts on ELOG from this week:
    • CAD Drawings - need to add SAMs - can use the effective interaction vertex as the center of the drift gap region for higher spatial precision
    • GEM Pedestals
      • It's ok to have a hard cutoff on the noisy GEM chamber edges, since it isn't a big issue for PREX
      • All sorts of checks in analysis can be done to see if amplitude correlations between GEM and QDC, etc.
      • RMS non-gaussian tail is probably some form of cross talk/noise
      • Quantify correlations rather than just showing plots
      • Check cluster width AND amplitude definition changes and see what happens to QDC vs. GEM multiplicity correlations there
  • Carlos has new ShowerMax simulation results also on the ELOG
  • Cameron will do the MOLLER Ring 5 simulation and analysis, and Mainz comparison work

Connection Info

The Meeting Information is:
Phone Dial In:
1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
1.408.317.9253 (US Primary)

Meeting ID: 350 784 981
Moderator Passcode: 1234

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