SLAC Analysis Meeting December 21 2018 12PM ET
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- Simulation software updates
- Documentation of Analysis and Readmes
- GEM decoding, centroid ROOT files, and tracking
- Allocation of analysis tasks
Attendance: Cameron, Dustin, Chandan, Tao Excused: Carlos, Brady
Discuss immediate rough plans for getting analysis done
- Analyzer works on, and all of the data (should be) stored in there too
- GEMs are biggest time committment
- Determine number of particles per event (in addition to angles and positions), and cut on single particle spectrum to remove multi-electron events from ADC spectrum to get the resolution more cleanly
- Centroid fitting algorithm and GEM tracking: make a new object or method, and print analyzed results to a new ROOT branch for storing the data (Tao is in charge of GEM analysis updates)
- Benchmarking thickness scans will benchmark the monte carlo for future use
- Motion control system calibration, and adjusting reference frames in output ROOT data, also doing ADC weighted GEM hit plots (to see edges of quartz)
- Pinpointing gains for different PMTs, data sheets, calibration runs, and Qsim simulations (Carlos)
- Carefully transcribe the ELOG transducer position information into position data and make a run list (Brady or Joey and Dustin)
- Try to use github pull requests to streamline analysis code feature improvements
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