Pion Meeting September 3 2021 11AM ET

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  1. Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
  2. Beam generator simulations (Raj)


David, Elham, Julia, Raj, Wouter


  • Meeting scheduling: expand the poll
  • Copying files to JLab: instead of /volatile (over quota) copy to /work disk
  • Beam generator simulations (Raj)
    • same geometry as Elham (rotated and shifted showermax)
    • factor 10 larger rate from beam generator than from Moller only
    • TODO: compare difference between rates when shifting detector with what Elham sees as difference
  • Bayesian extraction (Julie)
    • final distributions are reproducing priors, but around zero mean values
    • multiple chains and longer chains not resulting in the advantages hoped for
    • looking at code, maybe the dilution factor not applied as intended?
  • Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
    • maybe seeing photon rings?
    • maybe not seeing photons on upstream face because of incorrect z?
    • TODO: look up number of photons generated per unit length
    • can put PMTs sideways on lucite, behind lead donut
  • What's next?
    • Look at optical photon vx,vy,vz locations
    • Compared Moller events with pion events in terms of number of generated photons
    • Set up standalone optical simulations again