Pion Meeting September 17 2021 4PM ET
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- Bluejeans link: 420 107 252
- Dial-in: 408-740-7256 (US), 888-240-2560 (US Toll Free), 408-317-9253 (Alternate number)
- Showermax modification (Dustin)
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
- Beam generator simulations (Raj)
David, Elham, Julia, Raj, Wouter, Dustin, Jim
- Showermax modification (Dustin)
- working on implementing tilting
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
- seems like tilting may not be necessary: marginal effect compared to shifting
- TODO: move showermax one more cm outward and check rates and pi/e ratios
- location of PMTs: much quieter behind the lead donut
- TODO: how does this evolve by placing detector 29 at 10 cm, 20 cm behind lead donut?
- electrons coming to rest in lucite
- TODO: figure out directionality of these low energy electrons: direct low energy electrons into standalone model from the outer radius inward.
- TODO: kill photons at every surface as a way to count the original Cerenkov photons
- Cerenkov ring seems to start at front and then go to the back
- time ordering of peaks on surfaces seems wrong
- precursor peak?
- seems like tilting may not be necessary: marginal effect compared to shifting