Pion Meeting October 8 2021 4PM ET
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- Bluejeans link: 420 107 252
- Dial-in: 408-740-7256 (US), 888-240-2560 (US Toll Free), 408-317-9253 (Alternate number)
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
David, Elham, Julia, Raj, Wouter, Dustin
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
- standalone simulations for photo-electron optimization
- incoming electrons perpendicular to face of detector
- need to avoid double-counting pions that penetrate through all planes, but not for 2 MeV electrons which range out in the first plane
- changes to lucite outside width are having more effect on pion light collection efficiency than electron light collection efficiency due to more isotropic behavior of electrons when ranging out
- TODO: rotate entire lucite detector by angles up to 90 degrees to see the impact for electrons coming in from other angles
- different showermax position (closer to the lead donut) and shifted in radius
- baseline comparison is different from earlier, maybe due to shift of downstream showermax already being applied?
- hits time ordering
- why are there so many photon hits in the front face compared to the back photons?
- maybe the hits in the front face are mulitple-counted due to the glue layer?
- TODO: produce listing of times when photons arrive
- TODO: run a standalone simulation with glue index of refraction set to 1
- standalone simulations for photo-electron optimization