Pion Meeting November 12 2021 4PM ET

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  1. Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
  2. Updates on beam generator (Raj)


David, Elham, Wouter, Dustin, Raj


  • Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
    • rotated pion detector, now no more overlaps
    • added outer radial shielding, but some of this is sticking out from behind the pion donut
      • TODO: could move the entire pion detector inwards radially so it does not stick out
    • inner radial edge is hit by secondaries from the showermax detectors in other sectors
      • if these secondaries are hitting the detector anyway, then we are better off with secondaries that have scattered at large scattering angle, so smaller distance between pion detector and showermax detector is preferred, maybe even move pion donut upstream towards showermax for hall-wall and engineering purposes
    • thicker pion detector now running, but likely will need to be shifted radially inwards
  • Updates on beam generator (Raj)
    • Sakib has previously found agreement between beam and Moller generator
      • TODO: make a better slide to allow for checking agreement