Pion Meeting May 14 2021 11AM ET
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- Bluejeans link: 420 107 252
- Dial-in: 408-740-7256 (US), 888-240-2560 (US Toll Free), 408-317-9253 (Alternate number)
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
- Beam generator simulations (Raj)
Elham, David, Raj, Wouter
- Changing donut lead outer sleeve to air and stainless:
- no change for air, but reduction in rate in lucite detector for stainless, both for high and low energy electrons
- radial and azimuthal distribution of hits on showermax detector
- TODO: color density plot to make clearer what is going on
- TODO: overlay the xy extent of showermax detector on this plot
- TODO: move showermax plane just upstream of both showermax detectors
- TODO: require that the hit in 31 was a primary electron
- TODO: make plot for stuff moving upstream versus stuff moving downstream (stuff moving upstream will not reach pion detector)
- TODO: make same plot without the lucite requirement, as a comparison (may look identical)
- TODO: create phi plot with selection of one specific pion detector
- TODO: create phi plot with finer binning, or binning aligned to 360/7 symmetry (not 20 deg/bin, but e.g. 360/7/20 deg/bin)
- TODO: run with both sleeves set to air and/or stainless steel
- azimuthal distribution at pion detector plane: effect of scattering off the floor (but needs radial extent)
- TODO: add radial extent, requirement on hit.r that it is in the pion detector
- shielding for main detector PMTs is not in the simulation
- Reverse Monte Carlo???
- TODO: compare beam generator and Moller generator again