Pion Meeting March 8 2023 1:00PM ET

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Zoom link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608212513?pwd=M25LR1hzN3hLWm0xaFFETjZ0U1lQZz09



Sudip, Elham, David, Wouter, Carl, Kate, Dustin


  1. (David) Tristan Hurst has made good progress with a ML algorithm for pion/electron classification using a Random Forest Classifier from SciKit Learn; seems to work well with GENT 4 simulated Moller and pion generator events. Some initial notes are here: [1]. Tristan has a time conflict with the pion meetings; may set up and ad-hoc pion meeting for him to show his results. Will ensure code and documentation is uploaded to git for posterity.
  2. No updates from Simona on PMT gain tests.
  3. (Wouter/Elham) Should we consider pion detector testing with the pi/mu/e mixed beams available at TRIUM in M11? The 80 MeV/c beam is below the Cerenkov threshold, but the 150 MeV beam should be above. Might be useful for understanding the response of the detectors to low-energy electrons, for example.