Pion Meeting March 26 2021 11AM ET
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- Dial-in: 408-740-7256 (US), 888-240-2560 (US Toll Free), 408-317-9253 (Alternate number)
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham) [1]
- Beam generator simulations (Raj)
David, Elham, Raj, Jim, Wouter
- Elham: pion detector simulations with moller and pion generator
- Effect of moving lucite detector inwards has a smaller effect than increasing donut outer radius on the pi/e photo-electron rate
- Combination of 26 cm lead donut, with shorter (6cm) and shifted lucite (same inner edge of lucite) gives good result
- Changing concrete and lead radial and longitudinal thickness independently:
- lead has most impact, but thinner lead at larger radial extent is also good
- looks like weight can be relatively constant in optimization
- Showermax mirror box bug fixed and wall thickness reduced
- no effect on ratios
- Reduce thickness off donut support flanges from 0.75" to 0.01"
- no effect on ratios
- Effect of moving lucite detector inwards has a smaller effect than increasing donut outer radius on the pi/e photo-electron rate
- Raj: pion detector simulations with beam generator
- rates consistent with moller generator results from Elham
- but photo-electron rates appear consistent with zero and much smaller than the results from Elham
- verify how st.d. is defined: uncertainty on rmv or is there an additional factor sqrt(n) required?
- how does geant4 treat primary electrons in moller scattering? is one electron still primary?
- is moller scattering turned on for geant4? verify physics list
- verify uncertainties on moller rates and moller photo-electron rates with 'chunking' method
- run moller simulation on electroweak, store random state, reproduce visualization for events with charged particles in lucite
- Elham will run beam generator to compare with Raj
- Vacuum levels in beam pipe
- can we run at 1 Torr He in beamline?
- TODO Wouter to work with Cip on implementing